#WOW2022 | 16 | Can you make a Hexbin Map?
One of the forgotten functions of Tableau is the hexbin functions
One of the forgotten functions of Tableau is the hexbin functions
Introduction I’ve heard last week’s challenge was a tough one, but it was great to see so many people participating and learning from it! My challenge this week was inspired by a colleague at work. Without revealing too much, it has been designed to test your understanding of how filters work in Tableau, based on …
Introduction This week we are looking at HR headcount data. Headcount data can sometimes seem straightforward to work with, but sometimes the reporting rules can be a bit complicated–particularly with large organizations. This week you will attempt to measure the headcount of a large organization using data from the Real World Fake Data project by …
Introduction This week I hone in on majority of those spatial calculations within Tableau. I love the flexibility that Mark Layers allows us to have. Prior to Tableau 2020.4 maps could only have 2 layers and creating this hub and spoke style map would require some serious data preparation. This workout requires 6 calculations. Click …
Introduction Last week a colleague reached out for help creating a boxplot to look at age distribution for different subscription methods, and my first thought was, “I know how to do that, but I don’t remember how to do that.” So I went back to find one I had made previously, and we were able to …
When analyzing data in a dashboard, sometimes it is important to understand all levels of a hierarchy. Can you build an interactive hierarchy navigation solution in Tableau?
Introduction This week we are going to look at hospital admission rates. This data source comes from The Medical Stays dashboard on the Tableau Exchange. This particular challenge is more focused on working with time than it is working with medical data. In this challenge you need to group time into 15 minute increments throughout …
2022 Week 9: How many patients were admitted every 15 minutes? Read More
Introduction There has been an overwhelming response from the last couple of weeks series so I thought, let’s continue. How many times have you gone into a meeting with a finished dashboard and someone’s asked “Can you just…”. Well here is my “Can you just…”!! I want you to be able to switch what measures …
Introduction This week is our third installment of this month’s “dashboard series” so we’ll be building upon Erica’s challenge from Week 5 and Sean’s challenge from Week 6. If you’ve done Week 6, you can start from that, or you can check out those challenges linked above and come back to this when you’re done…or …