
#WOW2024 | Week 4 | Can You Create Donut Charts Exceeding 100%?

Introduction I am honored to join as a new contributor starting from 2024. I have gained immense skills and motivation from the Tableau community, including Workout Wednesday.As a way to give back to the community, I am committed to providing valuable and enjoyable challenges! Now, let me introduce a challenge about donut charts that I …

#WOW2024 | Week 4 | Can You Create Donut Charts Exceeding 100%? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 3 | Can you dynamically zoom into a clustered area?

Introduction This week I wanted to test out one of Tableau’s new features, Dynamic Axis Ranges. In this exercise you want to be able to zoom into some of those clustered countries which you can then hover over to get more information about. There are, of course, some other features within this visualisation. You might …

#WOW2024 | Week 3 | Can you dynamically zoom into a clustered area? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 2 | Can you create a time-focused Gantt Chart?

Introduction This week’s challenge is another from recent experience. As we have spikes or drops with various metrics, we found that we often asked the same questions…What marketing campaigns were happening at that time? Did we send any big email campaigns around then? Did we launch a new product feature or experiment? With all these …

#WOW2024 | Week 2 | Can you create a time-focused Gantt Chart? Read More

#WOW2024 | Week 1 | Can you compare salaries to the median?

Introduction Happy New Year to you all! This is the start of #WorkoutWednesday’s 7th year – how amazing is that! Thank you to everybody for your continued support and engagement – it really helps keep this initiative going! For the first challenge of 2024, I’ve updated a visualisation I first built several years ago based …

#WOW2024 | Week 1 | Can you compare salaries to the median? Read More

2023 W49: Can you find how many quarters it took for a customer to order again?

Introduction This week I wanted an easier challenge in the lead up to the Christmas Holidays. So what better way than doing some Level of Detail calculations. I want you to be able to find out how many quarters it took for a customer to make their second purchase Click to open in Tableau Public …

2023 W49: Can you find how many quarters it took for a customer to order again? Read More

#WOW2023 | Week 48 | Can you add candlesticks to bar charts?

Introduction As we finish up Global Recognition Month, I’d like to introduce you to Shunta Nakajima (@Dandee_House), a BI Engineer from Japan who has been a regular participant in #WOW2023 challenges.  Over to you Shunta…. [JP] 私がWorkoutWednesdayを知ったのが2020年、それ以来約3年間多くのチャレンジに取り組み、非常にたくさんのことを学ぶことができました。WOWのおかげで、私のTableauスキルを向上させることができました。今回、ゲストとして私のチャレンジを紹介できることになり、非常にワクワクしています。 Kyle,どうもありがとう! さて、今回のチャレンジでは私の大好きなチャートタイプの1つである、棒グラフとローソクの組み合わせを題材にしました。 私が初めてこのチャートタイプを知ったのは、かつてこのWOWを立ち上げ、またもう一つの素晴らしいコミュニティイベントであるMakeoverMondayを最近まで主宰していたAndy KriebelさんのVizです。 彼の表現方法を一目見て「すごく良いな」と思い、私も自身が作るVizのいくつかに取り入れるようになりました。 このチャートタイプの作成方法について詳細を知りたい場合は、彼のYoutube動画 を参照ください。 また、チャレンジには私がWOWを通して学んだいくつかのテクニックも盛り込んでいます。 それでは楽しんでください! [EN] The first time I came across WorkoutWednesday was …

#WOW2023 | Week 48 | Can you add candlesticks to bar charts? Read More

#WOW2023 | Week 47 | Can you create a Monthly Driver Analysis dashboard?

Introduction As we continue Global Recognition Month here at WOW Towers, I’d like to introduce you to Norbert Borbás (@norbert_borbas), a data analyst from Hungary who has been on a mission this year to complete all the #WOW2023 challenges. He has received 4 Viz of the Day awards, and was recognised as ‘one to watch’ …

#WOW2023 | Week 47 | Can you create a Monthly Driver Analysis dashboard? Read More

#WOW2023 | 46 | Dynamic Indexed Bars and Measures

Introduction As you know, we’re in the middle of Diversity Month here at #WOW2023 and I’m excited to welcome Ervin Vinzon. Ervin hails from Philippines and is a Tableau User Group Ambassador. He is also an avid #WOW2023 participant. We are honored to have his challenge featured this week.  Hey there, I’m Ervin Vinzon, leading …

#WOW2023 | 46 | Dynamic Indexed Bars and Measures Read More

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