2021 Week 45 | Power BI: Create a Custom Navigation Experience


We hope that you had a lot of fun last week re-designing Spencer’s report! This week we’re also focusing on design and creating a custom navigation experience using bookmarks and buttons. 

I am looking for a new place to live and stumbled upon the 2017 State of American Well-Being report. This PDF report details community well-being rankings across the US across five elements of well-being. Take a look at the report and see which community looks like the best fit for you! We’ll then build a report containing the top and bottom communities overall, and in each of the five categories of well-being.

The most important part of the challenge this week is the creation of custom, user-friendly navigation. The rest of the report design is entirely up to you!



Use the web connector to get data from the Gallup Sharecare Wellbeing Index

  • Extract data from Table008 (Pages 8-12). Create a data model that includes:
    • Well-being elements and their descriptions
    • Well-being data by element
    • Overall wellbeing score and ranking by community. Add a custom column to represent the data by quintile if you want to use quintile in your visuals (I only used it in the tooltip)
  • Use the high contrast theme or a theme of choice. Take the time to customize it to ensure that fonts and colors are accessible. 
  • Create measures for the Top and Bottom communities overall and by element.
    • Hint – you can use a simple Calculate 🙂 
    • You will use these measures in your visuals. 
  •  Use PowerPoint to create navigation icons.
    • On the Insert tab, Illustrations group, select Icon
    • Create icons for the 5 elements of well-being and any other custom navigation that you’d like
    • Save each individual icon as a .png file for import into Power BI
  • Get creative! Design your report using the images.
    • Turn the action on in the formatting pane of each image to use it for navigation.
  • Once you have your navigation pane set to your liking, use the selection pane to group things accordingly.
    • Hint – if your design uses the navigation pane across multiple report pages, create it once and copy/paste to other pages
  • Publish to Power BI and show it off! Quick reminder, if you don’t have a Power BI account you can join the M365 developer program for free!


This challenge uses the web connector in Power BI to connect to a PDF. The PDF report can be found on the Gallup Sharecare Well-being Index domain.


After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtags #WOW2021 and #PowerBI, and tag @JSBaucke@MMarie, @shan_gsd and @dataveldAlso make sure to fill out the Submission Tracker so that we can count you as a participant this week in order to track our participation throughout the year. 


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