
#WOW2023 | Week 35 | Can you build an interactive Viz in Tooltip?

Introduction I’m always on the lookout for ideas for challenges. Typically I’ll see something someone has done and want to know how they did it and whether I can craft it into a WOW challenge. When my colleague, Sam Parsons, demonstrated the concept of an interactive Viz In Tooltip (VIT) at Tableau Conference this year, …

#WOW2023 | Week 35 | Can you build an interactive Viz in Tooltip? Read More

#WOW2023 Week 34: Can you build a scatterbox?

Introduction I’m so excited to invite Felicia Styer to the blog for this week’s challenge! Felicia is the Associate Director of Analytic Solutions at Playfair Data and hales from Kansas City, MO. Connect with her on Twitter and LinkedIn and here is her challenge! Long time fan, first time contributor! This week’s challenge is question …

#WOW2023 Week 34: Can you build a scatterbox? Read More

#WOW2023 | Week 33 | Map Drill-down Challenge

Introduction This week I have a full-on Tableau Spatial challenge for you. Just one worksheet. Minimal formatting. It’s all about the behind-the-scenes magic. Enjoy! Click to open in Tableau Public Requirements Dashboard Size: 1000 x 800px 1 sheet Create a map of the 48 ‘contigous’ (aka: mainland) US States Plot points for every City in …

#WOW2023 | Week 33 | Map Drill-down Challenge Read More

A shot of a dashboard and bar charts

2023 Week 32: Can you show all values when filtering?

Introduction This week we have a special guest, Venkatesh Iyer. Venkatesh is currently a Senior Analytics Consultant at phData–and has recently written a number of blogs that bring novel solutions to the community, including: How to improve the performance of count distinct How to Create a Drill Down Table in Tableau How to paginate in …

2023 Week 32: Can you show all values when filtering? Read More

#WOW2023 W31: Can you find the most popular sub-category by sales per state?

Introduction I am a big fan of Level of Detail calculations and this one is an oldie but goodie! That is the main focus this week, but also uses Parameter Actions & Viz in Tooltips.  Click to open in Tableau Public Requirements Dashboard Size: 600 x 600 Two Sheets Find the most popular sub-category by …

#WOW2023 W31: Can you find the most popular sub-category by sales per state? Read More

Scatterplot of profit on Y Axis and sales on X Axis, with a dot for each state, colored by profit ratio.

WOW2023 Week 30: Can you build a dynamic drill down scatterplot in one view?

Introduction We’re continuing retro month this week, and I decided to re-viz Andy’s Week 41 challenge from 2017. I chose this one because I really like the concept of being able to drill down from state into city on the same chart, but I wondered if things would be easier than the calculations required to …

WOW2023 Week 30: Can you build a dynamic drill down scatterplot in one view? Read More

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