
#WOW2022 | Week 45 | Average Patient Waittimes

Introduction This week’s challenge was derived from a project that I helped some colleagues with. My colleagues were working on a client project for a travel company. They wanted to be able to compare a selected “Event Date” with an average travel day. The aim was to see if and how travel patterns might be …

#WOW2022 | Week 45 | Average Patient Waittimes Read More

2022 – WEEK 44: What is the lifetime value of customers?

Introduction This is probably my favorite challenge of the year. So i’m saving it for near the end. You’ll need level-of-detail and table calculations to solve this one. For this challenge you need to calculate customer lifeftime value (in sales). While their are many ways to do this. We are going to keep this as …

2022 – WEEK 44: What is the lifetime value of customers? Read More

#WOW2022 | Week 43 | Selected Subcategory Influence

Watch Introduction Hi Workout Wednesday friends!  I’m back, just in time for the Tableau 2022.3 release, which means we’ll be exploring Dynamic Zone Visibility.  This new feature allows you to use calculations and logic to dynamically show and hide dashboard elements (pretty powerful).  So in this challenge, you’ll get some hands on exposure to this …

#WOW2022 | Week 43 | Selected Subcategory Influence Read More

#WOW2022 | Week 42 | Can you use Tableau to estimate Aaron Judge’s home run trajectories?

Introduction Hello there, Workout Wednesday #DataFam! This week’s challenge is all about two of my passions growing up: baseball and physics. This past baseball season, New York Yankees outfielder Aaron Judge broke the 61 year old American League record for home runs in a single season set by Roger Maris in 1961 – Judge concluded …

#WOW2022 | Week 42 | Can you use Tableau to estimate Aaron Judge’s home run trajectories? Read More

#WOW2022 Week 41: Can you do YoY comparisons?

Introduction Welcome to week 2 of #WOW2022 community month! I’m excited to have Liam Huffman joining me for this week’s challenge. Liam is a fellow colleague at Evolytics and is a great member of the #datafam! With that – here’s Liam Hey everyone! I’m excited to be here sharing my challenge dashboard. This one focuses …

#WOW2022 Week 41: Can you do YoY comparisons? Read More

#WOW2022 | Week 40 | Applying Accessibility Principles to Data Visualization

Introduction October is Community Month here at Workout Wednesday. This means that each challenge will be brought to you by a guest coach from our wonderful data community Kicking things off this week, we have a challenge by Collin Smith (@collinalldata).  “Have you ever tried to incorporate accessibility into a Tableau dashboard? Incorporating accessibility into our …

#WOW2022 | Week 40 | Applying Accessibility Principles to Data Visualization Read More

2022 – Week 39: Where were COVID-19 Cases most active on December 30th, 2021?

Introduction This week we’ll look back at COVID-19 cases in the continental United States on December 30th, 2021. In this challenge you will use data from to show where cases were most prevalent in terms of cases per 100,000. The data for this challenge are already pre-loaded in a workbook. They include the COVID-19 …

2022 – Week 39: Where were COVID-19 Cases most active on December 30th, 2021? Read More

#WOW2022 W38: Can you create a Waterfall Pipeline using Salesforce Data?

Introduction This week is Dreamforce; Salesforce’s conference. So I thought I would stay on theme and use Salesforce Data. When I first started to see Salesforce pre-built dashboards they included several elements, but the one we are going to focus on today is the Waterfall chart. This allows us to see how much value is …

#WOW2022 W38: Can you create a Waterfall Pipeline using Salesforce Data? Read More

#WOW2022 Week 37: Can you create a common starting point?

Introduction This week’s challenge is focused on Level of Detail (LOD) calculations. We could probably build this chart using Table Calculations, but we’re not going to. Deliberate practice with some basic LODs. This also can be the basis for some cohort analysis, aligning various groups from different time periods on the same starting point. And …

#WOW2022 Week 37: Can you create a common starting point? Read More

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